Three maidens by the window coloring page

3 maidens in white elegant dresses looking out window, 1 w/ gentle expression, gazing into her lap.
The three maidens are sitting peacefully by a large open window, the sunlight streaming in behind them. Their dresses are all snow-white and their carefully styled hair is drawn back and up in a manner befitting their station. The two maidens closest to the window are gazing out, smiling with serene obliviousness to the world outside. The third is looking down at her lap and her expression is one of thoughtfulness and quiet contemplation. Coloring this page is a chance to create a fantastical realm of peace and beauty. For an extra bit of a dream-like quality, try using lighter shades of blues and pinks. Outline the figures in black and shade the dresses and hair with a mix of soft greys, yellows, and pinks. Create windows to the outside world with blues and purples that will bring a sense of depth and brightness to their vignette. Finally, bring out the faces of the three maidens with a warmer palette of creamy apricot and rose.