Boots for the cat coloring page

Woman fits cat with miniature boots; cat not pleased; tail up in the air. #catstagram
This is a whimsical image of a woman sitting in a chair, holding a rather disgruntled-looking cat in her lap. The cat seems to be a little bit put out by the small boots she is fitting its paws with. Its tail is sticking up in the air in protest, probably expressing its unhappiness at being dressed up. To color this scene, the woman can be given a muted pink or peach hue to give her an air of gentleness. The cat can be a slate grey that lightens around its paws and ears to give it a cute, fuzzy appearance. Its eyes and nose can be black and its tongue a bright orangey-pink to give it a slightly cross expression. The boots should be either yellow or brown to illustrate that they are made of leather. The background should be a soft blue or green to create a calm atmosphere.