Cinderella and the fairy godmother coloring page

Woman in blue dress w/ white collar & apron standing in front of fireplace, holding broom & petting black cat.
This delightful scene features a woman in a traditional blue dress with a white collar and a white apron, standing in front of a cozy fireplace. At her feet is a black cat, contentedly cuddled up against her. Acting as a caretaker, she holds a broom in her hand. To bring this scene to life, use brightly-colored crayons to shade the fireplace and the woman's dress. Use oranges and yellows to create warm, inviting flames in the fireplace. Highlight the woman's features with brown or beige. Give the cat a deep black hue and use highlights of white or gray to show its fur. For the broom, use natural shades like tan and brown. Finally, to complete the effect, use whites, blues, and creams to evoke a sense of comfort within the scene. Have fun bringing this picture to life!