A happy ending coloring page

Young girl tells animals a story in a peaceful field, creating warm, content atmosphere. Animals seem interested & happy.
The young girl stands in a sunny meadow, the tall grass waving in the breeze. She is surrounded by an attentive group of animals - a bunny with big ears, a fox, a pheasant and a raccoon - who seem quite taken with her story. She looks content and happy, and her eyes sparkle as she talks. The sun beams down on her from a clear blue sky, giving an air of warmth, serenity and peace to the scene. Coloring this image could be a lovely experience, with the girl's fair face being a nice contrast to the golden hues of the grass, and the animals all delightfully diverse in tone and shade. The sky could be a gentle gradient of blues, and the shadows of the surrounding trees adding a darker, earthy hue.