Vasilisa the Beautiful coloring page

Two men in traditional Russian clothing on a horse-drawn cart, enjoying a beautiful landscape. They're smiling, happy.
This lively coloring page features two men in traditional Russian clothing on a horse-drawn cart. The man in front is driving the horses, while the man in the back has a wide smile on his face while they travel through the wonderful Russian countryside. The sky is a deep, rich blue, with trees and mountains in the distance. The two men stand out against the idyllic background, and the rustic red of their clothing adds a vibrant energy to the scene. To color this page, a bright blue would be used for the sky, a deep and rustic red for the men's clothing, and shades of greens, browns and yellows for the trees and landscape. For the horses, a light brown mixed with oranges and yellows gives them a familiar and warm look. To finish the page, light white highlights the details and the happy expressions on the men's faces.