Snow Maiden girl coloring page

Snow maiden stands in field, wearing white dress, scarf. Pale face, blue eyes, small nose, red lips, blond curls. Holding staff in left hand.
This snow maiden girl stands gracefully in a frozen landscape, surrounded by trees laden with snow. She is wearing a long, white winter gown with a white head scarf secured over her head. Her pale face is graced with blue eyes and a small nose, with a dash of red color to her lips. Her curls are golden and long, cascading over her shoulders. In her left hand she grasps a staff, as if she is ready for a journey. To paint a winter scene, why not cool tones of shades of blue, lilac and white to create a sense of calmness? Add pale yellow to her hair, and a pop of red to her lips. A light dust of white can be painted across the trees and snow to add a hint of sparkle. Silver speckles can be used in the sky to give the illusion of a night sky and stars. The staff can be painted brown for a wood-like effect, with a few shades of bronze to add a bit of warmth. This will give the image a magical feel.