Masha at the Bear coloring page

Girl feeds bear from red bag while riding on its back in snowy mountain range. She wears traditional Russian headscarf.
This image depicts a scene of a young girl riding on the back of a large bear through the snow-covered mountains. The girl is wearing a traditional red and yellow Russian headscarf. She has a large red bag in her lap, which she appears to be feeding the bear with. To bring this image to life, use bright, vibrant colors to draw attention to the subjects in the scene. For example, the contrast between the gray snow and the bright colors of the girl's garments, the large and friendly eyes of the bear, and the natural hues of the mountain range will make the drawing really pop. Use deep shades of blue or brown to add a sense of perspective, making the image look more natural. A warm orange or yellow for the sky in the background will complete the image with a beautiful sunset.