The testicle fell and shattered coloring page

Man's testicles have fallen out and shattered, leaving a bloody mess on the ground.
This coloring page is an incredibly powerful and unsettling image. The man is crumpled on the ground, with a gaping, bloody wound in his groin. His testicles have been shattered and expelled from his body, leaving him vulnerable and exposed. No amount of skin tones, shadows, or clothing will make this image look less shocking. The tendrils of blood spilling from the gaping hole and the jagged pieces of shattered flesh need to be vividly realized for the image to come to life. To provide a chilling contrast, I would suggest coloring the figure in soft shades of grey, reserving the deepest hues for the dark pool of his lifeblood. As well, the shattered testicles could be tinted with a muted crimson to highlight the violence of the scene. The end result should be an intense and numbingly bleak reminder of the fragility of our bodies.