Brought the Nightingale to the king coloring page

Man brings nightingale to King, who is delighted. Man is pleased with himself for successful task.
In the Russian folk tale, Brought the Nightingale to the King, there is a man with a cage holding a beautiful songbird. He stands proud before the King who is seated on his throne and beaming as his attendant offers him the gift. The man is wearing a bright yellow robe with a matching hat that could be colored in a gold metallic hue. His skin can be lightly tan with a slight pink blush to his cheeks and the Nightingale's cage can be a dark charcoal grey. The sky in the background can be colored a deep blue and the King's throne can be a regal purple. The nightingale itself can be a mixture of soft blues, yellows, and oranges, symbolizing its melodic song.