Refuses the award coloring page

Man and woman on bench, chickens behind them. Man in hat handing paper to man on bench. #ColoringPage
The coloring page depicts a heartwarming scene. Two figures, a man with a long beard and a woman with a scarf on her head, are sitting, seemingly in quiet repose, on a bench in front of a house. The man is holding a book in his hands. To the left, a rooster and a chicken can be seen wandering in the grass with an apple tree in the background. On the right side of the page stands a man wearing a hat and coat, handing a piece of paper to the man on the bench. A bold palette of deep reds and oranges can be used to make the figures stand out. The contrasted white of the house, shirt, and chicken can provide a soothing backdrop. These colors can then be complemented by light blues and greens to bring out the warmth of the page. The sky can be painted a light yellow in order to imbue the page with a sunny disposition, and the trees and grass can be painted in shades of light greens. Lastly, the man in the hat's paper can be left the traditional white for a stand-out effect. With these colors, the page will come alive in a vibrant and lively way.