Tied to the saddle coloring page

Man rides horse through snowy forest. Wearing long coat, furry hat, has bag, holds stick. Tail tied to saddle.
This wintery scene features a man riding a horse through a snowy forest. He is wearing a long coat and a furry hat, and has a bag thrown over his shoulder. In his hand is a long stick, which the horse's tail is tied to the saddle with. The snow is the perfect backdrop to the man and the horse, while the trees of the forest bring an additional sense of winter enchantment to the picture. When choosing colours for this scene, consider two contrasting palettes - a deep white to represent the snow, and a darker forest green or brown to provide contrast and to highlight the man and horse against the background. A dark grey can be used for the saddle and the horse's hooves, while the stick and bag should be kept a lighter colour like grey, cream or light brown. The man's coat should be painted a slightly warmer colour with red or orange tones, and his hat a deeper colourful shade such as black, blue or brown. Lastly, for a truly wintery feel, add accents of blues, purples and white for the snow flecks.