Nightingale the robber coloring page

Group sits around campfire in woods. Story about nightingale stealing w/ black body/white chest & sack of money in beak sitting in tree. #campfirestories
This coloring page depicts a group of people gathered around a campfire in the woods. One of the people is telling a story of a nightingale who steals from people. The nightingale is the focal point of the page and has a distinct black body with a white chest and a long beak. It is perched on a branch of a tree, with a sack of money in its beak. When coloring, make sure to give the nightingale a bold, striking look. Add bright colors to its feathers to make it stand out amongst the campfire and the scenery. For the campfire, use shades of red, yellow, and orange to create a warm feel. For the background, use shades of green and brown to create the feeling of being in the woods. Give the people at the campfire brown clothing to keep the focus on the nightingale. Finally, choose a bright, bold color for the sack of money in the nightingale’s beak.