Milk river coloring page

Couple in boat on milky river with mountains and forest in background; woman holds a baby.
The woman and man sit in a rowboat, drifting along a tranquil river of creamy-white reflection. The woman cradles a swaddled infant in her arms, quietly rocking them back and forth. In the distance, majestic mountains stand tall in the sky, lush dark evergreen trees dotting the base and rolling hills. For a peaceful and calming experience, use cool shades of blue and teal, like those found in a summer sky. The mountains can be colored in shades of gray, brown, and green, mimicking the natural landscape. To add a pop of brightness, dapple the boat and trees with bright yellows and oranges. Render the clouds with dreamy pastels, adding depth to the scene. Finally, highlight the family at the center of the image, gracing them with bright shades of yellow and rolling reds that represent their love and connection.