Found Teremok coloring page

Teremok, a boy in a Russian forest village, finds an old woman who gives him berries & mushrooms; making his heart happy.
This coloring page shows Teremok, a young boy from a Russian folk tale, in the woods. He is standing by a small hut and looking at an old woman in the doorframe. The background is a verdant forest. The old woman has a basket of bright, ripe berries in her hands and a bag of mushrooms is at her feet. To give the page an enchanted, folktale feel, I would use warm and cool colors to create a bright and inviting space. For the sky, I would use a light blue color, while the foliage in the background would be filled with shades of green, yellow, and brown. The huts walls and roof could be painted a light brown. Teremok would be dressed in a navy blue outfit, and the old woman could wear a lavender shawl and a light pink dress. The bright, ripe berries in the box can be a deep, vibrant red, and for the mushrooms, I would paint them a light gray.