Construction coloring page

Man sawing log in forest, wearing hat and beard.
This charming scene features a gruff but determined man sawing a large log into two pieces. He is wearing a hat and has a full beard, a true sign of his expertise. He stands in a wide clearing in the middle of a lush, green forest. The trees are tall and majestic, and a variety of lovely wildflowers fill the area. To bring this scene to life, add some shading to the man, hat and forests. Use a variety of earth tones to highlight the contrast between the man and his task, and the surrounding forest. A warm orange-brown colour will start off the palette and be complemented by some darker browns and subtle greens. The wildflowers should be given a bright and cheerful range of colours to contrast the deep green of the trees. Bright blues, yellows, and purples will add an additional splash of colour to the background. Finally, finish it off with a few white highlights to make the details even more vivid!