Knight and squire coloring page

Man and boy in armor on horse with swords, shields, and helmets; man has blue cape.
This striking image presents a man in shining silver armor, mounted atop a gallant steed and carrying a majestic shield in one hand and a sword in the other. Beside him stands a brave young boy, clad in armor similar to the man and also armed with a protective shield and a spear. The duo are accessorized with helmets completing their knightly attire. To top off the scene, the man sports a dashing blue cape, adding a splash of color to further set him apart. When coloring this page, we suggest you choose vivid and strong colors to bring forth the characters’ valiant energy. Perhaps you could try using a brilliant and sharp electric blue for the man’s cape, and deep regal purple and amber for the armor. For the fur of the horses, we suggest a warm sandy brown, and for the sky, a bright sapphire blue dotted with cottony clouds of soft white. Whatever colors you choose, the end result is sure to be a striking illustration of courage and bravery.