Sandman coloring page

Spidey stands atop a building facing Sandman, a giant formed of sand in a menacing sandstorm, ready to rumble.
Spiderman stands atop a tall skyscraper, his eyes surveying the danger of the impending sandstorm in the distance. He notices a large figure in the center of the storm, Sandman, and he clenches his fists in anger. Sandman is made entirely from sand, his towering height and menacing grin sending a chill down spiderman's spine as he knows he's met his match. To color this picture, use a warm yellow for the sun that is being blocked by the sandstorm and a deep orange color for the dust that fills the air. Spiderman should be colored a bright red and blue, a stark contrast to the buff and browns of the sand that form Sandman's figure. Finish the image off by adding in shades of dark gray or black to the shadows and skyscrapers in the cityscape below.