Supervillain Green Goblin coloring page

Green Goblin is Spidey's nemesis: strong, flies w/ glider, green/purple suit, green mask & holds pumpkin bomb.
This coloring page depicts the infamous green goblin, one of Spiderman's most notorious enemies. His green suit is coupled with a matching purple cape which flutters behind him, and a menacing green mask conceals his identity. In one hand he holds a menacing pumpkin bomb, the symbol of his dangerous and unpredictable nature. To capture his full villainous aura, try coloring the goblin a deep, dark green with hints of black ties to create a level of depth. His cape could also be given a slight purple sheen, while his eyes should be a piercing yellow that stand out against the mask. For added effect, pumpkins bombs can be coloured a menacing orange, or a combination of orange and yellow to create a blinding explosion.