hippo coloring page

Huge gray mammal w/ short legs, large head, wide mouth, warts, small eyes & ears, sharp teeth.
This coloring page depicts a hippopotamus, the abundant mammal that lives in African rivers. The hippo has a big, bulky body with short legs and an enormous head. Its thick, gray skin is covered in warts and wrinkles, which provides a unique texture to color in. The hippo's mouth is wide and long, its eyes and ears are small, and its teeth are surprisingly massive and sharp - a sight worth exploring! To bring this creature to life with color, try earthy tones such as beige, brown, and gray to capture the essence of the hippo's skin. For the eyes, use a deep hue such as navy to make them almost mysterious. And to add interest, combine vivid colors like turquoise and yellow to add texture and depth to the hippo's mouth. With imagination and a splash of creativity, this hippo will make a wonderful addition to any coloring book!