Super cat Garfield coloring page

Garfield is an orange & black striped cat lying smugly on his brown couch with feet in air.
Garfield the orange cat is lounging in style on his brown-colored couch, with his four favorite appendages - his paws - up in the air. His black stripes have been expertly drawn - a detail that adds just the right amount of charm to his expression, one of contentment, offering a smirk by way of a smile. To color this picture, use an orange that's a few shades lighter than his original hue - something with a bit of a subtle shimmer can add an extra dimension to his fur. For the couch, pick something between a dark, rich brown and a light beige, as this will bring out the detailing on his fur and will contrast nicely against his orange exterior. Add a deep black for his stripes, and for the shading of his fur and furniture, use various hues of brown. For a finishing touch, make all his whites pop by introducing a pure white, and offer a visual contrast by adding blues to bring the scene to life.