Burning stuffed carnival coloring page

France's Orleans holds a festival every yr before Ash Wednesday: parade & burning of a cat effigy to mark end of winter & start of spring.
This vibrant and lively coloring page is a representation of the Burning of the Cat festival, held in the French city of Orleans every year. The parade comes alive with marching bands, costumed revellers and culminating in the burning of the hollow effigy of a cat in the town square. This annual event marks the end of winter and the ushering in of the warmer season of spring. A great way to color this page is by using complementary colors such as blues and oranges, greens and purples, or reds and yellows. These colors, played out across the page, will create a vivid and lively effect. Brighten up the cat effigy by shading in oranges and yellows, while deep purples and blues could convey the solemn feeling of the ending of winter. Finally, splashes of bright colors such as magenta, aquamarine and cerulean could fill the parade, giving viewers an eye-catching celebration to admire. There's no wrong way to color this page, so have fun and experiment to find the perfect combination!