Pancakes for Shrovetide coloring page

A stack of golden-brown pancakes with buttery topping sits on a plate in front of a wintery window. #yum
The scene in this coloring page is filled with warmth and cheerfulness. The thick stack of fluffy pancakes are warmly golden-brown in color, with a creamy, white pat of butter atop them. The plate rests on a wooden table, beneath a bright window, letting in the view of the white, snow-blanketed landscape beyond. When coloring this page, it would be wonderful to use bright and cheerful colors for the pancakes, such as purple for the butter and green for the plate, to catch the eye. And for the window, perhaps a bit of orange shading, reflecting the early morning sunrise. For the wintery outdoors, shades of blue, white, and gray would give the image a truly magical feel!