Among As coloring page

Group of friends playing Among Us. Sitting in circle around table. iPad on table, all wearing headphones.
This page features a group of friends gathered around a table. Each person has a headset on and is engrossed in an iPad screen that sits in the middle of the table. All the players are wearing their brightly colored Among Us costumes, creating a vibrant and exciting atmosphere. To emphasize the idea of socializing, it is important to use bright and bold colors for the characters, the furniture, and the technology of the iPad. For the costumes, pick saturated colors like magenta, sapphire, baby blue, and pear green. These will be balanced with neutral colors for the furniture and technology, like navy, taupe, and beige. Shade the characters' faces to give them a lively look, and add whimsical details like stars and eyes. Use your creativity to bring this page to life!