Among As coloring page

2 people (1 male & 1 female) wearing white shirts & blue pants, 1 has black backpack & 1 has blue backpack, standing in front of a white door.
In this Among Us coloring page, the two characters are standing shoulder to shoulder, looking confident and ready to take on whatever challenge awaits them. The male character is wearing white, a light brown skin tone, with blue pants and a black backpack. Next to him, the female character wears the same white and blue ensemble, with a dark brown skin tone and a blue backpack. Behind them, a plain white door beckons, inviting the viewer to explore whatever lies beyond. To complete this coloring page, consider using shades of black for the clothing and door, blues for the backpacks, and various hues of brown for the characters' skin. Striking contrasts between different colors can bring the page to life, making the scene come alive with energy. With a little creativity, this Among Us coloring page can shine!