Among As coloring page

Two Among Us characters in spacesuits in a white-walled room - one standing on a stool and one on the floor. Both wearing helmets and gloves.
This coloring page features two characters from the game Among Us. The characters, wearing bright yellow spacesuits, are located in a simple, white room. The first character is standing on a stool and the other is seated on the floor. On their heads, they both have helmets, and they are equipped with gloves to protect their hands. How should it be colored? To create a vibrant and eye-catching look, a good option would be to use sunny yellow for the spacesuits, a deep blue for the helmets, and a light purple for the gloves. A light brown shade would be a great choice for the stool and white to keep the walls looking clean and simple. Furthermore, you could use pink and oranges to add some warmth to the scene and create an interesting contrast between the characters. All in all, this coloring page has great potential for creative and fun coloring options.