Among As coloring page

Players join forces to complete tasks on a spaceship, but some may be
This coloring page depicts a scene from the popular game Among Us. Players stand on a spaceship as bubbles of color pass by. Some of these colorful bubbles are colored in to represent the different tasks that the players must work together to complete. Yet among them hides an impostor, an enemy intent on sabotaging the ship. It's up to the players to identify the impostor and cast them out before it's too late! When it comes to coloring this page, it's up to you! You could opt to keep the characters black and white and color in the background with vibrant shades of blues, purples, and pink. You could also make the characters brightly colored and add bright pinks, blues, and yellows to the bubbles to make them stand out. Whatever you choose, make sure the colors you use help to emphasize the theme and danger of the game. Have fun!