Among As coloring page

A sinister group of figures whisper, plotting around a cowering Among Us in a darkened room. #AmongUs #USG
The old and dilapidated room is filled with a crowd of faceless figures. Although their faces are shrouded in darkness, their mysterious eyes are aglow with an eerie light. They all huddle together, their whispers indicating some sort of sinister plan. In the center of the group is a lone figure, seemingly trapped and cowering in fear. It is the Among Us. As you color this eerie scene, you may wish to create an atmosphere of foreboding using blues and greys to emphasize the sinister mood of the gathering. Accentuate the darkness with black for the figures and for the wall of the room. Give special attention to the small figure in the center and bring some warmth to it by using earth tones such as yellows and oranges to give it a sense of helplessness. Let the glow from the mysteries eyes pierce through the darkness by giving them highlights of white. Finally, you may use whites and brighter colors to signify their designs and facial features, piercing through the darkness to create a truly eerie scene.