Among As coloring page

Crowd of people of different colors, sizes and positions, making lots of noise.
This is a lively image of a busy crowd. There is a diverse array of characters - color and size-wise - from short to tall, from bright to dark. The vibrancy of the picture comes from the numerous postures - standing, sitting, lying - and the noise from their activity. The creativity of this colorful piece is unrestrained - you can pick any color scheme to bring a unique twist to it. I recommend beginning with the center, adding a few light shades as the base for the characters. Then, picking out a different color for each individual, with their clothes, skin or features in hues that complement the overall palette. To add dynamism and contrast, complement the characters' outfits with different textures and tones. Finally, you can make the highlights of the piece really pop by using the brightest colors.