Among Us coloring page

Coloring page w/two Among Us characters in space suits & holding guns, in front of a yellow star. #amoungus #printables #coloring
In this coloring page we find two Among Us characters standing side by side. Both of them are wearing their signature space suits and have a gun in their hands, ready for action. The blue one looks to be leading the other, the green one, in some sort of space mission. The colors of their suits contrast the soft yellow of the star that shines behind them in the background. While there are many creative ways to color this page, an interesting option is to highlight the colors of the characters by coloring the star in the background blue and green. You can use a light yellow color for the star's edges to create a beautiful contrast with the colors of the characters. By doing this, you can make the blue and green characters stand out in the picture. Enjoy creating!