Amon As coloring page

Amon is a powerful leader, teacher & warrior who keeps peace & order in the Among Us galaxy. He has profound understanding of the Force & can defeat enemies alone.
Amon is a commanding figure on the coloring page. He is depicted with a majestic and wise expression. His yellow and green cape hangs dramatically over his shoulders, giving him an air of power and confidence. The cape complements his skin, which is a dark brown, masking his complexion virtually unrecognizable. His dark eyes look out into the unknown, representing his readiness for almost any situation. To bring out the coloring page's best features, shades of yellow, green, and brown should be used. Shading Amon's cape with a range of yellows, from light to dark, gives his clothing a much-needed depth of color. The green of his cape should be the same, deepening color at certain points to draw attention to the cape's shape and texture. Shade his skin either brown or light grey, and use a muted brown to color his eyes. These colors, combined with a few hints of white here and there, will bring out the ephemeral nature of Amon and his powerful presence.