Among Us coloring page

Four people wearing spacesuits exploring a space station, surrounded by computer screens and controls. One holds a tool and another has their hand on a control panel. Vastness of space seen in window.
The coloring page features a scene of four space-suited figures standing in a space station against a window showing the starscape of the universe. They seem to be working, with one person holding a tool, and another with their hand on the control panel. In order to bring the image alive with color, the figures can be colored in with earth tones to contrast with the deep blue, green, and purple of the stars and planets seen behind them in the window. The walls of the station can be done in a metallic gray, and the computer screens and control panel lit up with a dramatic red or yellow to really add a touch of intrigue and excitement. Finally, the figures' tools can be colored in any hue to stand out from the scene and draw attention to the astronauts' work.