Among Us coloring page

Ten mini-astronauts in a ship, both green & purple, suspiciously looking around. Something's not right!
Ten miniature astronauts of two different hues are gathered around a table in what appears to be a spaceship. Five of them are wearing green suits and helmets, while the other five are adorned in purple. Each one is wearing a tool belt with various items attached, and they all seem to be on alert. In front of them sits a large monitor and a control panel filled with a multitude of different buttons and switches. The green astronauts seem to be filled with anticipation and unease, their eyes darting around the room in search of a way out. On the other hand, the purple astronauts remain cool and composed, their faces inscrutable as they contemplate whatever their mission may be. There is a tension in the air, one which alludes to something dire being about to happen. When coloring this image, the spaceship should feel dark and foreboding. Coloring the walls of the room a deep navy blue or midnight black can evoke an atmosphere of danger and tension. The two astronaut teams can be shaded with their respective colors; the green astronauts can be a light, grassy green and the purple astronauts can be a decadent, more muted violet. The control panel can be accented with details such as a silver trim or bright yellow buttons. Finally, the computer monitor should be kept a neutral color like silver or grey, as to form a stark contrast with the rest of the image.