Happy New Year 2021! coloring page

A large, muscular bull stands in a grassy field, symbolizing strength and power with his wide curved horns and bright, intelligent eyes.
This majestic bull stands confidently in a lush green field. His short, dark fur accentuates his thickly muscled body, while two sharp horns protrude from the sides of his head. His bright and intelligent eyes survey his environment, conveying a sense of alertness and power. To capture this image, you could use a light tan color to highlight the animal’s fur and bring out the vibrant green of the grassy field. You could use different shades of brown on the bull’s horns to give a sense of texture and dimension, and create a deep brown for his eyes to make them stand out. For texture and contrast, try drawing a few yellow blooms here and there across the landscape to add a sense of calmness and a reflective balance.