Thumbelina coloring page

Girl in field of flowers with wings, holding blossom: peaceful, free, and joyful.
A young girl is perched gracefully in a lush field of vibrant, fragrant flowers. Her wings are outstretched, creating a beautiful silhouette against the bright sky. She wears a dainty, pastel dress that catches the sunlight, making it seem like she is glowing. She holds a single bright bloom in her hand, looking as if she is just plucked it from the garden. To color this image, start by adding a glow to her wings, giving them a hint of iridescence. Bring the flowers to life by using a variety of colors from pale pastels to vivid hues. Give the dress a bit of sparkle and give it a 3D effect by lightly shading the edges of each petal. Make sure to add some vibrant dark greens for the setting to really make the flowers stand out. Finally, fill the sky with ombre shades of blues and violets to bring the scene together.