Lev coloring page

5 animals - 2 lions, 1 elephant, 1 zebra, 1 gorilla - are on this coloring page.
This coloring page features five exotic animals in a beautiful natural setting. Two majestic lions stand side by side, their powerful silhouettes visible against the bright blue sky. To their right is an elephant, her ears spread wide as she lumbers regally through the grass. A zebra grazes nearby, her striped pattern adding a lively contrast to the green landscape. Finally, a gorilla materializes from the foreground, her expressive eyes peering up at the viewer. To make the most of this unique image, try to capture the vibrancy of the animals and their environment. Consider adding some bright colors for the lion's manes, the elephant's skin and tusks, the zebra's stripes, and the gorilla's fur. You can also add some dashes of yellow or orange to the sky, and green or brown to the grass. With these vibrant touches, you can bring this image to life!