Ant-eater coloring page

Long-nosed animal stands on hind legs eating ants with their long, thin tongue.
This coloring page features a comical, long-nosed animal with a furry body, balancing on its hind legs as it eagerly licks up some ants with its long, thin tongue. The animal looks happily engaged in its meal, eyes wide and ears perked. To capture the playful nature of the animal, I would use bright and vibrant shades of pink, yellow, and blue to fill in its fur, and would fill in its facial features with dark dashes to represent its nose and eyes. To bring attention to the animal's tongue and its meal, I would then trace the shape of the tongue with a saturated brown, and finish off by coloring the ants with shades of orange and yellow. Finally, I would outline the whole image with a light black pen to properly define its form.