Mole coloring page

Mole digs burrows with long, sharp claws. Has fur and long, pointed snout. Brownish-black with light underside. Solitary and rarely seen by humans.
The little mole is scurrying through the ground with its strong, sharp claws, leaving behind a pattern of dirt and rocks. Its body is covered in thick fur, dark brown on top and light gray underneath. Its pointed snout allows it to deftly search for insects and worms. Even though moles are often present in many gardens, they are rarely seen by humans. To bring this picture to life, colour the mole a deep ebony-black, and for its light underside, brighten with a light tan or yellow. Use a light, sandy beige for the dirt, and go darker the further away from the mole. To make the claws stand out, shade with a darker black or rust colour. Lastly, brighten up the background by adding some stippled, light green grass and a few small clover leaves.