Corytosaurus coloring page

Corytosaurus: 4 ton, 30' long dinosaur with a frill of bone. Likely lived in herds & ate leaves from tall trees, size of a school bus.
This Corytosaurus coloring page portrays a large and long-necked dinosaur. It has a unique looking frill of bone that runs down the back of its head. This dinosaur was likely a plant-eater, living in herds and eating the leaves of tall trees. It may have been roughly the size of a school bus, weighing in at an estimated 4 tons and measuring up to 30 feet in length. To truly bring this illustration to life, use bright and vivid colors to capture the Corytosaurus’ unique features. Try shades of green and brown to create a realistic color palette for the dinosaur, and use more vivid shades to add texture to its scaly skin. Lastly, don’t forget to add a touch of golden yellow to its frill, making it really stand out. Get creative and have fun with this coloring page!