Ceratops coloring page

Coloring page of large green dinosaur with long neck, small head with horns, facing left, and tree behind it. #dinosaur #coloring
The large, green dinosaur in this coloring page is certainly a sight to behold! Its long neck, small head with horns, and regal stature give it a proud air, and the determined gaze it's fixed ahead gives it an air of mystery. Standing tall, the dinosaur towers over the tree behind it, and the landscape is dotted with shrubs and rocks. To bring it to life, why not add some color to its skin, maybe a darker shade of green? Adding some yellow and brown to the horns could bring out their texture, and choosing a bright yellow or orange for its eyes might show off its inquisitive nature. For a richer look, shading of blues and purples could bring out its regal form, and to make it truly your own, why not try playing with more vibrants hues for the tail and claws? No matter how you choose to color this dinosaur, it's bound to be breathtaking!