Indoor flowers coloring page

140 chars: Coloring page of flowers in pots and vases, some in bloom and some in bud. Leaves and stems winding around.
This coloring page depicts a variety of indoor flowers in varying size and shapes. Some are fully flowered while others are still in their bud form. Some pots and vases contain single stems while others have lush bouquets. Leaves, stems, and petals are entwined for effect, creating a picturesque scene. If coloring this page, we suggest starting with the lighter colors and proceeding to the darker colors. This will help to bring out all the detail of the design. For example, begin with the white or light beige of the pots and vases, gradually deepening the color as you move throughout the image. Then add a pop of color with the vibrant flower petals in yellow, pink, and blue, as well as bold greens for leaves and stems. You could also add depth and texture by shading some of the pots with grey or bolder colors. Have fun exploring the world of indoor flowers with this coloring page!