Flowers in a vase coloring page

Vase is filled with colorful flowers in vibrant hues of pink, purple, blue, & orange; green leaves provide contrast.
This beautiful coloring page features a large vase filled with a vibrant array of colorful flowers. The arrangement of the flowers have a cascading effect, with some blooms spilling over the sides. The petals of the flowers range from soft pinks and purples, to bright oranges and blues. The dark green leaves provide a lovely contrast and depth to the design. To bring out the best of their beauty and to create an eye-catching design, choose an eclectic mix of bright shades. For example, you could use pops of yellow and coral to draw attention to the center of the vase, and then shades of lilac and blue to give the upper part a bolder, more dramatic feel. The combination of different hues will make the vase of flowers come alive!