Mandala coloring page

A large flower with 8 petals in multiple shades of purple, blue and yellow, with 2 smaller flowers and a blue gradient background. #coloringpage
At the center of this coloring page is a beautiful flower composed of 8 petals that are various shades of purple, blue, and yellow. To the left and right of the flower, there are two smaller blossoms of similar hues. The entire scene is framed by a backdrop of blues which have lightened in hue, gradually moving from the dark blues of the sky to the light sky-blues of the petal edges. To bring out the beauty of the flowers, one could start by coloring the background a lighter shade and then progressing to the petals, first outlining with a slightly darker hue and building out the different shades of purple, blue, and yellow from there. Use white to bring out the vibrant center and to really make the flower pop. Lastly, add some additional flourish to the background to tie it all together.