Mandala depicting the Svadhisthana chakra coloring page

Mandala showing Svadhisthana chakra: Lotus with 6 petals (orange & white) & cube (earth element) in the center, flowing with 4 rivers (earth, water, fire, air), representing 6 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, intuition). #yogaphilosophy #mandala
This beautiful mandala is a representation of the Svadhisthana chakra, which is symbolized by a lotus flower with six petals. The colors associated with the chakra are vibrant orange and pristine white. In the center of the mandala is a white cube representing the element of earth. Around the cube, four rivers flow outward, each one corresponding with one of the four elements. The petals of the orange lotus flower immersed in the surrounding water signify the six senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and intuition. I think this coloring page would look best with a mix of vivid orange and bright white crayons. To bring out the detail and dimension of the design, try shading with a darker orange to highlight the petals of the lotus. For the cube at the center, I would use either a light or a dark shade of grey. The areas around the lotus and cube can be either filled in with orange and white or left as white space, depending on the desired effect. Finally, I'd suggest using a variety of colors in the water around the cube to really make it come alive!