Mandala depicting the Sahasrara chakra coloring page

Circular mandala divided into 7 sections by 6 petals, with colors representing 7 chakras. Sahasrara chakra represented at center, lightest color; petals darkest. #mandala #chakras
This vibrant mandala is a representation of the seven chakras. The seven circles radiate outward, each getting darker in color as it moves away from the center, culminating with the Sahasrara at the very center. For a beautiful effect, try to stay within the color gradient, applying hues of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. For an extra pop of color, try adding in some gold to the center and white to the petals. Use lighter and darker shades to create dimension and contrast. Experiment with incorporating different textures into the background or adding your own unique patterns within each section. With the vibrant mix of complementary and contrasting colors, you will be able to create a unique and eye-catching visual representation of the seven chakras.