Flower mandala coloring page

A central flower with 8 petals of different colors, surrounded by leaves and a white background: a perfect fit of different shapes. #beauty
The central flower is surrounded by a varied array of smaller flowers and leaves, each with its own color and pattern. The focus of the coloring page is the large central flower with its eight vibrant petals, each with its own unique shade. The green leaves and white background provide a counterpoint to the bright petals, and make this layout look truly stunning. To bring out the details of the shapes, I would start by applying a base layer of color. Then, I would add light and dark shades. Finally, I would work on adding accents and tints for depth and character. Depending on how dark or saturated I'd like the final piece to be, I can use brighter and more vibrant colors, or create a subtle, dreamy palette. With a little mixing and matching of the right shades, I'm sure this coloring page can be truly extraordinary.