Jellyfish in the sea coloring page

A black & white jellyfish floats peacefully in a calming ocean - long tentacles, round body, muted colors.
This jellyfish coloring page evokes a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The jellyfish is surrounded by a deep chasm of the ocean, and its vastness is visible in the waves that gently rock its round body and long, graceful tentacles.The muted palette used in this illustration makes it appear mysterious and calming. To bring a whimsical and vibrant touch to the coloring page, you could bring some bright and cheerful colors such as magenta, aqua, and yellow to the jellyfish's body and tentacles. Further, you could use a soft lilac and periwinkle to add a subtle shimmer and shine in the depths of the ocean. Finally, consider adding touches of teal and indigo to complete the overall look of the coloring page.