Sea Horse coloring page

A sea horse drifts near the ocean floor, a show of majestic blues, greens, and purples. Its tail wraps around a rock, and small fish dart nearby. A school of brightly-colored fish swims in the distance.
The majestic sea horse drifts through the mystic expanse of kelp and coral that coat the ocean floor. Shimmering blues, greens, and purples outline its intricate body, accentuating its grace and delicacy. The sea horse's long tail curls around a nearby rock, keeping the gentle current from whisking it away. All around, tiny fish swim eagerly, their behavior almost flirting with the sea horse. Further out, a school of brilliantly-colored fish swims by, creating a mesmerizing surprise of color and life. To bring this image to life, I would use an array of blues and purples to bring depth to the scene and accentuate the sea horse's form. The nearby coral and fish could be colored in warm oranges and yellows to emphasize the sun-kissed ocean floor. Finally, the distant school of fish could be awash in blues and greens, to capture the energy of the underwater landscape.