Sink coloring page

illustrated ocean scene with conch shell & assorted creatures: starfish, seahorse, fish, & crab in shades of pink, purple, blue & green.
For this coloring page, I would suggest beginning by coloring the background in a gradient of blue, ranging from light to dark. This will create a peaceful and calming atmosphere. Then focus on the centerpiece, the spiral conch shell, with its light pink coloring and darker pink stripes. For additional contrast, you should use a darker and lighter color than the main shell color. Then shift your attention to the creatures surrounding the shell. I would suggest using a range of bright and vibrant colors, such as pink, purple, blue, and green. Use the darker color for each creature to create more contrast between each animal and the bright blue background. Finally, using white, add some small highlights to the conch and each of the creatures to make them more prominent against the textured background.