Marmot coloring page

A marmot sits on a hill surrounded by trees and flowers, looking up at the sky with a large nose. #AntistressAnimals
This marmot looks both inquisitive and peaceful as it gazes up at the sky from its green hillside. There are trees and blooming flowers around it, and its large nose stands out in contrast to its light brown fur. To make this picture come alive, use coordinated pastels to bring the colours of the marmot fur, the sky, the hills and the surrounding nature to life. The trees and foliage can be coloured in shades of green, with bright accents on the flowers. For the marmot, you can use a combination of pink, brown and white to create a true-to-life look. Put in some warm yellow tones to create a golden halo around the marmot, and your picture will look as if it was taken straight from the hills.