Chimpanzee coloring page

Chimp sits cross-legged with arms around knees, head tilted, small smile; black fur, white chest & feet; large, round ears; long nose, brown eyes, prominent eyebrows.
This adorable chimpanzee seems to be in a tranquil state, looking off into the distance with a gentle grin. Its fur is mostly black, with a stark white patch on its chest and white markings on its feet. It has round, large ears and a long nose. Its eyes are full of warmth, brown in color and framed by two prominent eyebrows. To color this scene, try to create a sense of lightness by using a combination of light, neutral colors. Add some pink to the white chest, and use earthy tones of browns, tans and ochres to fill in the shadows of the fur. For the background, use a soft blue or yellow to add a hint of calmness to the whole setting.